Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thanksgiving Dinner

An entire holiday devoted to a meal. What a beautiful concept and a wonderful way to spend time with loved ones. However I have mixed reviews about this recent Thanksgiving dinner.
First of all my Turkey was extremely dry (Even with that wet Gravy.) Now I understand Turkey is dry. But I recently had turkey that was pretty moist. A far superior prepared bird I must say. The stuffing wasn't even prepared in the bird??? It basically was croutons with celery and seasoning. Guess what? It was also dry. Now the potatoes were banging. Perfectly prepared mashed potatoes are a staple of a Thanksgiving meal. Like these potatoes must have had a stick of butter at least. The sweet potatoes were on point, covered in a nice light brown sugar/butter glaze. Now this was upsetting…the string beans were nowhere to be found. Oh well I guess…   The rest of the details about the meal were pretty standard, rolls, broccoli and cauliflower casserole, desert (pumpkin pie, pumpkin roll, cherry pie, etc.)

Overall I would rate the meal a solid C
 I've had better. Until the next meal…

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